Friday, February 1, 2008


In tough world, using strategy is how you survive. (Jack Trout)

There are many terms usually use to describe change strategy : change management, turnarround management, crisis management, reform, tranformation, adaptive strategy, etc.

On the other hand, change strategy be familiar with change program : downsizing, rightsizing, reengineering, restructuring, etc..

Do great things in your life, but do small things as well.. (Sophia Bedford Pierce)

Radical vs Incremental Change

Radical Change : tends to change direction, reference, and company's decision. Usually, this change to transform all of segment in company. Example: change in organization structure from vertical-functional become matrix or horizontal-teamwork.

Incremental Change : continuously change to protect general balance in company. Usually, company make change in separate division of company. Impact of this change influent to this division only. Example: overhaul maintenance of machines, replace with new efficient machines.

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