Sunday, February 3, 2008


You need Change Management Toolkit to create an effective change management plan.

Change Management Toolkit elements:

  • Change management overview - what is change management, why is it important, what can I do to manage change effectively

  • Assessments - tools for evaluating your change and your organization's readiness for change

  • Templates - critical document templates for planning and executing change management - provided on CD-ROM

  • Theories and perspectives - a practical discussion of change principles and concepts

  • Change management process - guidelines, templates and checklists for the entire change management process including planning templates for communications, training and coaching

  • Customization guidelines - change management should reflect your unique change and the organization that is changing - learn how to adapt to the specifics of your project

Toolkit structure:

Preparing for change: Build a foundation for managing change. Examine theories and perspectives that impact how people go through changes. Assess your specific change characteristics and the organizational attributes that impact change management. Develop you team structure and sponsorship model.

Managing change: Develop key change management plans: communications, sponsorship, coaching, training, resistance management. Create a project plan for implementing change management activities and learn how to use the ADKAR model.

Reinforcing change: Assess the effectiveness of change management activities. Identify and overcome obstacles. Build buy-in and celebrate successes.


You need Change Management Toolkit to create an effective change management plan. Change Management Toolkit is one of the most comprehensive guides for managers, project teams and consultants involved in change management. The toolkit includes detailed planning templates, readiness assessments and guidelines for building executive sponsorship and managing resistance. Templates include communication plans, training plans, sponsor roadmaps, coaching plans and resistance management plans.

The Change Management Toolkit enables you to:

  • Establish objectives of change
  • Manage the people side of change, not just the business side.

  • Develop a change management strategy for your project.

  • Create a communication plan.

  • Actively manage resistance to change.

Friday, February 1, 2008


In tough world, using strategy is how you survive. (Jack Trout)

There are many terms usually use to describe change strategy : change management, turnarround management, crisis management, reform, tranformation, adaptive strategy, etc.

On the other hand, change strategy be familiar with change program : downsizing, rightsizing, reengineering, restructuring, etc..

Do great things in your life, but do small things as well.. (Sophia Bedford Pierce)

Radical vs Incremental Change

Radical Change : tends to change direction, reference, and company's decision. Usually, this change to transform all of segment in company. Example: change in organization structure from vertical-functional become matrix or horizontal-teamwork.

Incremental Change : continuously change to protect general balance in company. Usually, company make change in separate division of company. Impact of this change influent to this division only. Example: overhaul maintenance of machines, replace with new efficient machines.