Sunday, February 3, 2008


You need Change Management Toolkit to create an effective change management plan.

Change Management Toolkit elements:

  • Change management overview - what is change management, why is it important, what can I do to manage change effectively

  • Assessments - tools for evaluating your change and your organization's readiness for change

  • Templates - critical document templates for planning and executing change management - provided on CD-ROM

  • Theories and perspectives - a practical discussion of change principles and concepts

  • Change management process - guidelines, templates and checklists for the entire change management process including planning templates for communications, training and coaching

  • Customization guidelines - change management should reflect your unique change and the organization that is changing - learn how to adapt to the specifics of your project

Toolkit structure:

Preparing for change: Build a foundation for managing change. Examine theories and perspectives that impact how people go through changes. Assess your specific change characteristics and the organizational attributes that impact change management. Develop you team structure and sponsorship model.

Managing change: Develop key change management plans: communications, sponsorship, coaching, training, resistance management. Create a project plan for implementing change management activities and learn how to use the ADKAR model.

Reinforcing change: Assess the effectiveness of change management activities. Identify and overcome obstacles. Build buy-in and celebrate successes.


You need Change Management Toolkit to create an effective change management plan. Change Management Toolkit is one of the most comprehensive guides for managers, project teams and consultants involved in change management. The toolkit includes detailed planning templates, readiness assessments and guidelines for building executive sponsorship and managing resistance. Templates include communication plans, training plans, sponsor roadmaps, coaching plans and resistance management plans.

The Change Management Toolkit enables you to:

  • Establish objectives of change
  • Manage the people side of change, not just the business side.

  • Develop a change management strategy for your project.

  • Create a communication plan.

  • Actively manage resistance to change.

Friday, February 1, 2008


In tough world, using strategy is how you survive. (Jack Trout)

There are many terms usually use to describe change strategy : change management, turnarround management, crisis management, reform, tranformation, adaptive strategy, etc.

On the other hand, change strategy be familiar with change program : downsizing, rightsizing, reengineering, restructuring, etc..

Do great things in your life, but do small things as well.. (Sophia Bedford Pierce)

Radical vs Incremental Change

Radical Change : tends to change direction, reference, and company's decision. Usually, this change to transform all of segment in company. Example: change in organization structure from vertical-functional become matrix or horizontal-teamwork.

Incremental Change : continuously change to protect general balance in company. Usually, company make change in separate division of company. Impact of this change influent to this division only. Example: overhaul maintenance of machines, replace with new efficient machines.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


There are some critical parameters that influence the design of a change strategy:

  • Objectives of Change - what're the specific goals and objectives will be reached in the ending of change process. They must be defined first.
  • The timetable for change - how quickly will the change be introduced? Specifically, will there be a pilot/transition period for people to get used to the change. This decision will be influenced by the degree of resistance anticipated.
  • Experience with Change - how often you have experiences in change. How often your companies make change in the business life cycle?
  • Retention/Turnover - many of people or employees in the company usually retent the change process. It's must be anticipated.
  • Involvement in the change process - The degree that people will be involved in the change process is very important. For some changes, the change team should aim for complete transparency - the process of introducing the change is so well managed, that the organisation barely notices. In this case the organisation should still be told of the change and the reasons for it to avoid feeling manipulated
Change Strategy Approach

There are two types of change strategy - incremental and transformational.

1. Incremental change doesn't challenge existing assumptions and culture. It doesn't modify the existing organization. It uses existing structures and processes; it causes little disruption; it's relatively low risk; it's slow and it may not produce enough change.

2. Transformational change changes existing structures, the existing organization and the existing culture. It's relatively high risk. It's fast and focuses on major breakthroughs.

Incremental change is aimed at making many small-scale improvements to current business processes. It focuses on small-scale improvements because experience shows the likelihood of succeeding with a small-scale improvement is much higher than of succeeding with a large-scale, 'strategic' improvement project. In incremental change, the participants do not need or want top management involvement, which they see as a hindrance that will slow them down and prevent them making progress.

Reengineering is an example of transformational improvement. It involves radically rethinking and redesigning a major business process with the objective of achieving large-scale improvements in overall business performance quickly - and the product development process is a prime target. Product development runs across many of the traditional business functions, and has a high degree of customer and/or supplier involvement.

Reengineering involves redesign of a company's workflow and application of Information Technology to the new workflow with the aim of obtaining competitive advantage. To achieve this kind of breakthrough requires major change to processes, organizational structure and management methods.

Re-engineering fundamentally changes the way a company works - which is why it is so difficult. It changes the way processes fit together, changes the way people work, and changes the way systems fit together. It's hard work. Typical activities include rewriting job descriptions, inventing new recognition and reward systems, implementing new computer systems, retraining, changing financial reporting, and changing relationships with suppliers.


The trouble with change in human affairs is that it is so hard to pin down. It happens all the time. But while it happens it eludes our grasp, and once we feel able to come to grips with it, it has become past history. (Ralf Dahrendorf)

Many of change happen in the world. Time and period were change, social culture was change, humans attitude were change, and technology was change. We must change our life, our habit, our business, our family, and our make sustainable growth and quality of work life. Many of people and companies make change in their life got lucky and successful. But a lot of people and companies failed in their change.

Why we must Change ?

1. Change is the evidence of life (Evelyn Waugh)
Life is signed by change. Today is quite, tomorrow will be crowded and then will be nothing. All of humans grew up from baby, child, teenager, adult, old, senile and then died. The change is evidence of human life.

2. Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. (George Bernard Shaw)
The change was happened suddenly, unexpectedly and very sophisticated. The change in social and political environment were happened very dynamicly. Somebody who can manage change, he will give hopeness, but must controllable.

3. All things must change to something new, to something strange. (Henry Wadsworth L.)
All change was happened to something new or to something strange. We will feel and meet something new and strange in our life, in our environment caused by change. Increase or decrease our performance and our happiness.

4. The key to successful leadership today is influence. not authority (Kenneth Blanchard)
What the secrets, why companies have a long going concern in their business? Not the strongest company but the adaptable company will be exist. Companies must adapt to their habit, their culture to the change of environment and technology.

5. To life is to change, and to be perfect is to change often (John Henry)S
Similar with companies, we will get better life and have usefull life if we can adapt to the blooming of our environment. We often make change in our life, we will reach the perfect things in our life.

Friday, January 25, 2008


Change management is a structured approach to change in individuals, teams, organizations and societies that enables the transition from a current state to a desired future state. (Wikipedia)

"Change Management is common-sense and extremely readable because you quickly realize that [it] is actionable in any organization." (Sahrah Mai. Experius, New Zealand)

The change referred to in this context includes a broad array of topics. From an individual perspective, the change may be a new behavior. From a business perspective, the change may be a new business process and/or a new technology. From a societal perspective, the change may be a new public policy or the passing of new legislation. Successful change, however, requires more than a new process, technology or public policy. Successful change requires the engagement and participation of the people involved. Change management provides a framework for managing the people side of these changes. The most recent research points to a combination of organizational change management tools and individual change management models for effective change to take place.

Change management is the application of many different ideas from the fields of engineering, business and psychology. As changes in organizations have become more frequent and a necessity for survival, the body of knowledge known as "change management" has also grown to encompass more skills and knowledge from each of these fields of study. While this may be a good trend overall, the result for many business leaders is growing confusion about what change management really is.

Change needs to be understood and managed in a way that people can cope effectively with it. Change can be unsettling, so the manager logically needs to be a settling influence.

Check that people affected by the change agree with, or at least understand, the need for change, and have a chance to decide how the change will be managed, and to be involved in the planning and implementation of the change.

Let's Change your life, your habit, your business, your family, and your relationship...